Hey everyone

So, it's come to that time of the year again...

It's Halloween, which we South Africans don't really celebrate historically, although I see it may be on the rise. I do enjoy the range of scary movies on the telly, though, I must say.
I've been suffering from the usual Octoberitis for the last month along with the majority of my colleagues - you know, the condition where your body just physically refuses to continue with your day job from exactly 1 October onwards out of sheer and utter exhaustion.

My philanthropic duties have been completed for 2013 (for now). For those of you who participate in the Santa Shoebox Project, you'll know what I mean. And for those of you who don't, why not check out their website and consider signing up for next year for this worthy cause at www.santashoebox.co.za

The preliminary Christmas gift lists and budgets have been commenced and holiday plans are being made.

And, of course, there's our beloved annual NaNoWrimo, which starts in exactly 40 minutes!!! For those of you who haven't heard about this yet, it's an absolute crazy challenge that writer's plunge themselves into to write 50 000 words in a month - the month of November, that it. Everyone needs to write a minimum of 1667 words daily in order to make the final wordcount. This will be my second year participating and the pre-Nano jitters are rife! This is an international event and this year our regional group has challenged a group in Canada to a word war, which simply means that we'll see who'll be able to tally up the highest wordcount by the end of the challenge. So with clattering teeth and heart palpitations, I'm making sure that the cupboards are stocked with sufficient coffee and chocolates to get me to 50 000 words! If you'd like to keep up with my progress, I've added a widget to the sidebar (the light blue box on the right). Any words of encouragement would be most welcome! :)

And so I bid you adieu on this NaNoWrimo Eve. Until we meet again.

    "And above all watch with glittering eyes the world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl


    Author of various genres, focusing on fiction/fantasy/adventure for the older teen / YA /NA


    October 2013
    September 2013
    July 2013
    May 2013
    March 2013



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