Hi everyone and welcome to my very first blog - ever!

The plan was to get this up and running a few months ago already, but due to a few hiccups and technical glitches (the main one being me wondering "How do you create a website?") we are only going live now - hopefully. So fingers crossed that everything has been done correctly :).

I've decided to share a few highlights of 2013 thus far.
January 2013
My mom and I met Jodi Picoult (briefly) at the South African launch of Lone Wolf. She's such a cool person in real life! :)

February 2013
My sister got married! Congratulations Tania and Viktor :)!

February 2013
I got to watch the new Les Miserables, and became a Hugh Jackman fan. I've always been a huge Les Mis fan. In fact, I stumbled upon some of my old short stories, and I actually made mention of it way back in 1995! I usually cringe when Hollywood A-listers get involved with classics. I abhored the Liam Neeson version a few years ago. And I must say, I had my doubts about this one as well. But I was very pleasantly surprised. The directors and actors, in my opinion, all remained true to Victor Hugo's masterpiece. And I was ecstatic by the cameo appearance from Colm Wilkinson, who to me, will forever be the 'real' Jean Valjean. All in all, it was a job well done and worth a watch, even to those of you who don't know anything about the story.

March 2013
I finished the first novel of my new Fantasy/Fiction/Adventure series. It's called The Kindling and it's Book One of The Ternion Series. At the moment, it's going through a second edit, and then it will be off to the publishing houses to see if anyone's interested. So please keep your fingers crossed!
I've also started on Book Two already and hope to have it done within the next two to three months, if everything goes according to plan.

So, a hearty thank you to you for reading my blog. I'll be back soon - I promise!


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    "And above all watch with glittering eyes the world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl


    Author of various genres, focusing on fiction/fantasy/adventure for the older teen / YA /NA


    October 2013
    September 2013
    July 2013
    May 2013
    March 2013



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